Friday, August 31, 2018

Breast Cancer In Men: Causes And Symptoms

Breast cancer rarely occurs in men, accounting for only around 1 percent of all breast cancer cases. But it’s not one to be completely ignored—there are signs and symptoms that one should heed, and causes and predispositions to identify.

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Men do have a small amount of breast tissue, similar to the breasts of girls prior to puberty. This tissue doesn’t develop and grow in men, but due to its nature it can still develop breast cancer. It’s rare for men under 35 years old to get breast cancer, as the risk goes up with age and most cases occur between ages 60 and 70.

Breast cancer risk in males is aggravated by different factors, such as elevated estrogen levels, prior exposure to radiation, and a family history of the illness. Mutations in certain genes, such as BRCA2 mutations, are also linked with an increased risk for male breast cancer. BRCA1 mutations, however, are thought to play a smaller role in male cases than in female cases.

The symptoms in men are similar to those in women, with most cases diagnosed upon the discovery of a lump on the chest. Unlike women, though, men tend to delay doctor’s consultation until more severe symptoms such as nipple bleeding occur.

It’s important to differentiate between breast cancer and benign breast conditions, such as gynecomastia or an increase in the amount of male breast tissue. Benign breast tumors are also abnormal lumps or masses of tissue that aren’t cancerous in nature.

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Matias Campiani was a founding partner in several companies and presently is Co-Founder and CEO of Welzwaze Medical, which focuses on the development of AI-based diagnostic and health monitoring solutions, with an emphasis on early breast cancer detection. Learn more about health technologies on this page.

Friday, August 24, 2018

The Promising Health Applications Of Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) - along with its associated concepts like deep learning, machine learning, and the dizzying concept of robots at work – is changing healthcare in unprecedented ways. Today, it assists in accurate medical diagnosis without a doctor’s help and in predicting patterns of illness among common groups of people even before the onset of disease. Here are some specific ways that AI is changing the healthcare worldwide.

Digital consultation

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AI-powered apps are providing medical consultation based on individual medical history as well as common medical knowledge. Users will report symptoms, enter them into the app, and the app in turn will use speech recognition to compare against a set database of diseases. Recommendations for next patient action are also offered.

Controlling antibiotic resistance

Antibiotic resistance or the spread of superbugs is a growing threat to global populations, damaging the hospital setting and killing thousands annually. Electronic health record data can help identify infection patterns and highlight people at risk before symptoms surface. AI and machine learning can be leveraged to drive these analytics for greater accuracy and speedy health alerts.

Medical data management

In healthcare, the first step is to compile and analyze data using medical records and history. AI improves data management through automation and robots collecting, storing, re-formatting, and tracing data for easier and consistent access.

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Advancing immunotherapy for cancer treatment

Immunotherapy harnesses one’s own immune system to attack a malignancy, improving the fight against persistent tumors. Machine learning algorithms and their expert synthesis of very complex datasets can assist in therapies most suitable to a patient’s unique genetic makeup.

Matias Campiani is the co-founder and CEO of Welwaze Medical, Inc., a health tech company dedicated to the development of application-centric software solutions tied to health-monitoring sensors. Learn more about healthcare trends on this page.